Albanien ist das Paradebeispiel für ein Chaos-Land in Gangsterhand

Überall wo Albaner sind, wandert die Bevölkerung aus, denn Verbrecher übernahmen komplette Regionen im Balkan, was lange bekannt ist, aber durch extrem Dumme Banden, auch zum Chaos führt, weil die Internationlen, nur zum Geld stehlen nach Albanien mit aufgeblähten Botschaften, Institutionen, die vom Geld Diebstahl leben, wie die NGOs in Deutschland. Betrugs Bauschrott, Fake Projekte sind Standard bei der EBRD, IB, KfW Mafia, oft doppelt abgerechnet, oder nie realisiert. Edi Rama, kennt nur Verbrecher und Total Idioten. Kokain EU und von den Deutschen finanziert, kommt in Tonnen nach Deutschland, mit Politischer Protektion nicht nur im Visa Skandal.

In 2003, und heute wesentlich Schlimmer, was korrupte Deutsche und EU Politiker, vor allem Knut Fleckenstein, inklusive gekaufter Wahlen als „Entscheidenen Fortschritt“ verkaufen, wo sogar jede Justiz fehlt, das „Verfassungsgericht“ durch die korrupten Justizbringer, des Georg Soros, des Deutschen Justizministerium: nicht mehr existiert

U.S. Urges Gov’t to Keep Pressure on Crime Lords
Tirana, October 28, 2003 – The U.S. ambassador warned Albanian crime lords on Monday that the international community was hunting them down and urged Albania to continue to pursue them because crime would harm its bid to join the West.

Albania became a key smuggling route for drugs, people and guns into Western Europe after the fall of communism and its weak and corrupt judiciary is often accused of letting criminals go free.

“Crime is still destroying your country and challenging its ability to enter Western bodies,“ Ambassador James Jeffrey said in a speech to trainee judges in a seminar on people trafficking, NBC reported.


Noch härter stand es damals im CIA Fact book!

CIA Fakt Buch über Albanische Politiker bis Ende 2005: Ein mächtiges kriminelles Netz mit Top Politischen Regierungs Verbindungen!
“powerful organized crime networks with links to high government officials”

Die Albaner – Kokain Kartelle, der Deutschen Politik, stehen vor Gericht

Wirtschafts Motor, Drogen, nach den Vorstellungen des Frank Walter Steinmeier




All Major Albanian Ports and Cities Are “Hotspots of Organised Crime”

From: Alice Elizabeth Taylor 51 min. ago
All Major Albanian Ports and Cities Are “Hotspots of Organised Crime”
Albania and its main cities and ports have been highlighted in a report called “Hotspots of Organised Crime in the Western Balkans”.The report, authored by Global Initiative, an international organised crime watchdog looks at the prevalence of drugs and organised crime throughout the region. The Albanian cities of Shkodër, Lezhë, Durrës, Vlorë, Sarandë, Fier, Elbasan, and Tiranë all get mentions as problematic areas, and the situation in the country is described as being enabled “by a political economy of crime” that allows illicit activity to flourish.Reference is also made to the ongoing anti-corruption and anti organised crime protests– over 10 have been held since February, organised by the opposition parties.The report also notes that “there have been allegations of vote buying– particularly with the proceeds of the cannabis trade”. It adds that “some individuals with criminal backgrounds have been appointed as member of Parliament”, noting that it is “not surprising” that some have since been caught being involved in criminal activities.

The city of Shkoder in the north is reported as rife with loan sharks, human trafficking, extortion, the trafficking of drugs and migrants, and the prevalence of mafia-style families with national and international ties. The report describes them as being connected to “political actors and parties”.

Durres, a short drive down the coast is also described as a “hotspot for various forms of trafficking” where customs officials are discouraged from checking certain vehicles. The report details a number of instances of drugs being sized there but notes the issue of drugs being concealed in buses, cars, trucks, containers, and in shipments of leather.

For cannabis smuggling, the port city of Vlore is implicated and also described as a place where murders, turf wars, and revenge violence prevail. Global Initiative also comment that the area “enjoys a degree of collusion between criminals and police and protection from certain politicians”.

In Sarandë, it is reported that drug mules carry cannabis across the border into Greece and that border officials turn a blind eye, under instruction of their superiors. Heroin and cocaine are also believed to be smuggled at Qafë–Botë where there is no scanning equipment.

Kurbin is pinpointed as a place known for drug trafficking, robbery, burglary, and money laundering and there is rumoured to be cannabis cultivation in the area. Neighbouring Lezhë also gets a mention as having groups active in human, drug, and gun trafficking. Those involved are claimed to launder their money into real estate and tourism in the area and criminals are described as having “close links to politicians”. According to the report, a number of MPs are said to be involved in organised crime.

Moving further south, Elbasan is named as an intersectorary point on major trafficking routes for cocaine, cannabis, and heroin. Fier is also described as a key part of international networks. An anonymous source said “the fact that they are rather violent, sophisticated and closely linked with politics, has made the organizations operating in Fier rather untouchable.”

Lastly, the capital of Tirana whilst being described as “one of the most dynamic capitals in the Balkans” is also reportedly home to some of Albania’s most dangerous criminal groups. Whilst the threat has apparently subsided, there are still activities in drug smuggling, blackmail, illegal gambling, money laundering, racketeering, and paid killings. It is also a place where senior officials in government or the security services meet with members of organised crime syndicates or families.

The report paints a very sad picture of Albania– one where impunity and government complicity in serious organised crime is impacting the country from north to south and east to west. With little to no mention of any improvements due to the government’s action, in fact the report makes multiple accusations of authorities hindering any attempt of improving compliance with the law.

The findings of the report are all based in fact and all of the cases and instances mentioned can be backed up with evidence and reports from other independent sources such as the US State Department. A recent report stated that the country is a source country for cannabis and a transit country for heroin and cocaine. It describes the fact that “official corruption is pervasive and fosters an environment in which drug traffickers are largely able to operate with impunity”.

EMS Albanian Port Operator Shpk ist Teil der EMS-Fehn-Group – 17 Unternehmen mit Niederlassungen in Leer, Emden, Papenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Lübeck, Helsinki, Riga, Bozen, Genua, Palermo, Durres, Skopje und Ft. Lauderdale. Zur EMS-Fehn-Group gehören Chartering-, Logistik-, Spezialtransport-, Hafenumschlags-, Yachttransport-, Lager-,Intralogistik und Crewingfirmen sowie Reedereien mit derzeit 19 Schiffen. In der EMS-Fehn- Group sind 230 Mitarbeiter an Land sowie 220 Mitarbeiter an Bord beschäftigt.

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NATO Land, vollkommen ruiniert und korrumpiert durch die EU und Berliner Banden.

5 Gedanken zu „Albanien ist das Paradebeispiel für ein Chaos-Land in Gangsterhand“

  1. Jetzt muss die EU erneut Polizei einsetzen, um die Albanische – Griechische Grenze zu schützen und ergänzt auch alle Häfen. Es gibt nur 1 private Hafen Lizenz in Albanien, weil die NATO und EU Richtlinien verbieten, das Häfen, Flugplätze gebaut werden, welche dann unter 100 % Kontrolle von Verbrecher Clans sind. Man sieht ja im Hafen Durres, wenn Kriminelle dort sich mit Bestechungsgeld die Container AbWicklung erkaufen, was mit EMS Shipping von den Deutschen promotet und mit viel Bestechungsgeld, Partnerschaften passiert. Auch im grössten Drogen Umschlagplatz, Container Hafen im Mittelmeer, Gioia TaurO, in Süd Italien, erkaufte eine Hamburger Reederei sich einen 50 % Anteil, führt feste Beträge an die Mafia pro Container ab. Die Wertegemeinschaft der EU und von Angela Merkel halt.

    EU Police to Tackle Migration and Crime Across Albanian–Greek Border

    33 min. ago

    The EU border police will patrol Albania’s border to tackle illegal migration and cross-border crime.

    Today, the European Border and Coast Agency (Frontex) launched in Albania its first fully-fledged operation outside the EU to patrol the European border.

    A team of 50 Frontex officers from 12 EU member countries, patrol cars and other equipment will deploy tomorrow to the Albanian border with Greece to tackle illegal migration and cross-border crime. They will be responsible of border control, combating cross-border, seizure of drugs and weapons, detection of people smugglers, stolen cars and fraudulent documents.

    Frontex agents will practically have the same powers as the Albanian police, including carrying guns. Border patrol teams now will be comprised of Albanian and Frontex officers.

    Albania signed an agreement on border cooperation with the EU last year, officially announced as a request of Albania’s government. This was the first ever agreement of its kind foreseeing the deployment of Frontex officers outside the EU borders. It entered into force in May 2019, and today Prime Minister Edi Rama and EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos launched its implementation. Similar agreements with other countries in the region have not been finalized.

    The deployment of EU border police to guard Albania’s border comes amidst a dire economic, social and political situation in the country.

    In terms of the population, more Albanians want to flee than many who are living in war torn countries. In 2018, for every 1000 Albanian citizens, 6.6 applied for asylum in an EU country, placing the country above Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

    Recent reports by the US State Department and Global Initiative stated that Albania is a source country for cannabis, a transit country for heroin and cocaine, and a hotspot of organized crime. Last month, the Dutch parliament approved a motion calling for the suspension of Schengen visa exemption for Albanian, citing high rates of crimes committed by Albanians.

    In November 1999, Ilir Meta became Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania and after the
    general parliamentary elections he won a second man date, lasting from September 2001 until February 2002. During this period, Albania engaged in a range of important reforms, joining the Process of Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union.

    Reform nach EU Modell ist gemeint, das die mit Diplomaten Pässen ausgestatteten Drogen Bosse, Leibwächter des Ilir Metas in Italien festgenommen wurden, ebenso der Fahrer der Ehefrau Monika Krhmadhe, ein Produkt mit Ausbildung im Georg C. Marshall Centrum, mit Heroin, gefakten Diplomaten Auto Nummern Schildern und Diplomaten Pass an der Grenz Kosovo zu Albanien.

    The Drama Of Albania , hat den Ursprung vor allem von hoch kriminellen US, Deutschen und Österreichischen Politik Gangstern. Im Kommunismus funktionierten die Institutionen, heute praktisch überhaupt nicht mehr, wie jeder weiß und live miterleben kann.


    Und immer das Selbe, wenn Dumme, inkompetende Frauen nur noch peinlich herumlügen, sogar Georg Soros Müll Institute erwähnen, wie das Helsinki Institut.

    Schütz: Reforma në Drejtësi, një histori suksesi për të cilën Shqipëria mund të krenohet

    Anëtarët e shoqatave gjermano-shqiptare të ekonomisë kanë ngritur kohët e fundit gjithnjë e më shpesh shqetësimet për një politikë informacioni dhe transparencë të mangët në lidhje me tenderët publikë dhe gjithashtu marrëdhënie pronësore të paqarta në objekte potenciale investimi. Ambasadorja gjermane, Susanne Schütz, thotë se është një detyrë të rëndësishme e qeverisë, të pengojë që ky trend negativ të vazhdojë më tej

    Redaksia 2 Prill, 09:40 | Përditesimi i fundit: 2 Prill, 09:46

    Wo die Korruption ihr gemütliches Zuhause hat
    14. April 2019 Wolfgang J. Koschnic


    1. Da laufen unendliche Operationen, was mit 15 Jahren Verspätung passiert. Der Kokain Handel, direkt von der KfW finanziert und mit Hilfe der SPD und AA Verbrecher Banden.

      MItglied im grössten Drogen Kartell der Welt, wo es schon Hunderte von Verhaftungen gab.

      Saarbrücken – Sein Namenspatron hat Geschenke im Sack. Beim saarländischen Linken-Politiker Nikolaus Leo Staud fanden Fahnder des Landeskriminalamtes laut Informationen der Bildzeitung dagegen zwei Kilogramm Marihuana, mit einem Straßenverkaufswert von rund 20 000 Euro. Der Politiker wurde verhaftet.



      300 kg Kokain, Griechen, warnte die albanische Mafia, Wer capo ist (Dalin Sehenswürdigkeiten Beschlagnahme von Drogen)

      Griechische Medien schreiben, dass die Zahlung für 300 kg Kokain der albanische Mafia worden war. Albanisch Verhafteten als Ilia bekannt, und es ist ein Strafregister, für den Drogenhandel in Italien festgenommen worden war.

      Editorial 15. November 14.14 | Zuletzt aktualisiert: 15. November 16.55

      Griechenland- geweißt neue Einzelheiten der Operation, die in nahm Ecuador und in Athen , die mit der Verhaftung von neun Menschen endeten, darunter Griechisch und ein albanisches die Führer der kriminellen Gruppe waren.

      Griechische Medien schreiben, dass die Zahlung für mehr als 300 Kilo Kokain der albanischen Mafia geworden war. Albanisch verhaftet Ilia Petro bekannt als Papa, 41 Jahre alt, von Elbasan, und mit einem Vorstrafenregister, für Handel 200 Kilogramm Marihuana in Italien festgenommen worden war.

      Mit zwei Griechisch Albanisch kooperieren in einer Nebenrolle, Apostolis Leusis, der Sohn eines Astrologen und Geschäftsmann Vassilis SPIRIDONAKOS, Autobesitzer. Ecuadorianische Medien haben die Bilder zum Zeitpunkt der Heroinbeschlagnahme veröffentlicht.

      Kokain wurde in einer Yacht und das Ziel war Australien gefunden, während ein kleiner Teil in Griechenland auf den Markt war. Durch den Betrieb in Ecuador wurden 382 kg Kokain beschlagnahmt, während in Griechenland drei Menschen verhaftet wurde und packte zwei Pistolen, 223 Patronen und zwei Skalen.

      Griechische Medien haben Fotos von der Operation veröffentlicht, wo die Yacht ergriffen wurde Kokain bereits ergriffen worden, während der Betrieb noch in einigen Ländern weiterhin Komplizen zu verhaften.


      1. Auto Diebstahl, mit falscher ID Karte, falschen Führerschein und leichte Einreise nach Deutschland. Das Steinmeier System und GPS Kontrollen von Autos, wurden schon von der Bayerischen Polizei in 2000 organisiert. Politisch vom Verbrecher Kartell des Joschka Fischer, Steinmeier verhindert, das man die Banden über Tetova weiter verfolgt, weil auch Albaner der US Botschaft damals beteiligt waren, rund um das Hotel Dajti, als Auto Börse, für Luxus Autos


    2. Der hingerichtete Edison Harizaj, war auch Mitarbeiter des Hafens Durres, weil bei einer Hausdurchsuchung, Ausweise gefunden wurden, wo aber Tausende von Kriminellen solche Ausweise hatte, was Berisha, Sokol Olldashi wieder einführten, das man für teilweise 8 € so einen Ausweis bekam, auch direkt in der Hafen Polizei eingestellt wurde. Zitat: dieser Leute: „hier geht für Geld Alles“

      Ekzekutimi i ‘Il Padrinos së Vlorës’, gazetari tregon detaje të forta: Futej në Port si punonjës, kontrollonte nëse kishte ardhur droga
      Publikuar tek: aktualitet, më 22:56 28-10-2019 Ekzekutimi i ‘Il Padrinos së Vlorës’, gazetari tregon detaje të forta: Futej në Port si punonjës, kontrollonte nëse kishte ardhur droga
      Edison Harizaj, i ekzekutuar nje vit me pare ne Durres

      Gazetari Spartak Koka ka treguar mbrëmjen e sotme detaje të forta për ekzekutimin mafioz të Edison Harizajt, një vit më parë në zonën e “Shën Avlashit” në Durrës.

      I ftuar në emisionin Opinion, Koka nuk tregoi emra por tha se një vit më parë kur është vrarë një eksponent i krimit, me vete i ishte gjetur një dokument që tregonte se ai ishte punonjës porti. Të ftuarit e tjerë në studio treguan se personi për të cilin fliste gazetari Koka ishte Edison Harizaj.

      Më pas vetë Spartak Koka, tregoi se Harizaj rezultonte punonjës i Portit të Durrësit dhe futej lehtësisht për të kontrolluar kontenierët, nëse droga kishte mbërritur.

      “Një eksponenti të rëndësishëm të krimit në vend, që është vrarë një vit më parë, i është gjetur me vete një dokument ku ai rezultonte si punonjës i thjeshtë i portit të Durrësit. Ky dokument është dhe në dosjen hetimore. Këto eksponen futen brenda portit për të kontrolluar drogën”, tha gazetari Spartak Koka, ndërsa Artan Hoxha tregoi “Ai person është Edison Harizaj.”

      Kujtojmë se, Edison Harizaj, i konsideruar si i forti apo Il Padrino i Vlorës, është ekzekutuar me breshëri plumbash mbrëmjen e 6 nëntorit 2018 në Durrës, brenda një mjeti tip Audi që drejtohej nga miku i tij Genti Caci.


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