25 Jahre nur Skandale des NATO Geheimdienstes SHIS, wo Finanzdaten veröffentlicht wurden

Über 25 Jahre nur Skandale des Albanischen Geheimdienstes: SHIS; früher SHIK, wo auch Geheimnisse wie in Lettland, an China, Russland, HIsbollah verkauft wurde, wo der Skandal nie aufgeklärt wurde. Diesmal hat man über den korrupten Fiannzminister Arben Ahmeti, Zahlungen an den Geheimdienst mit Details veröffentlicht. wikileaks berichtgete auch das im POlizei Dienst, im Geheimdienst Kriminelle einen Job erhielten, wo vor über 20 Jahren die SHIK Gestalten auch Drogen Monopole errichteten, inklusive der Besorgung von Identitäten. Diplomaten Pässe kein Problem für die Banden.

Nato nation Albania publicly posting sensitive intelligence data online
‚By getting into Albania’s system they can get into NATO’s system‘

A scene from the entrance gate of Albania's State Intelligence Service, known by the acronym SHISH

A scene from the entrance gate of Albania’s State Intelligence Service, known by the acronym SHISH ( Borzou Daragahi )

Albania, a Nato country, is posting sensitive information about its most senior intelligence operatives on the internet, making details about their identities, vehicles, operational roles, travel movements, and daily habits publicly available in what appears to be a major and potentially dangerous breach that could have international consequences.

Salary and expense data posted in spreadsheets on the website of Albania’s Ministry of Finance show a wealth of details about the State Intelligence Service, including the locations of field offices, cash withdrawals, and minutiae such as the plumbers, technicians and mechanics they use.

The records show the names and national identification card numbers of agents in the service, known locally and in the intelligence community as SHISH, operating inside Albania and abroad, including two with sensitive posts at Nato headquarters in Brussels. The spreadsheets disclose the names, positions, salaries and expenses of at least eight senior clandestine Albanian operatives – some working under diplomatic cover – in Belgium, Greece, Kosovo, Italy, Macedonia and Serbia.

The Independent is not disclosing names or other identifying details to prevent retribution against low-level informants or others who may be associated with the agency’s operatives. Presented with the breach during a meeting in a café outside the agency’s heavily fortified Tirana compound, SHISH officials acknowledged the sensitive nature of the information.

Headquarters of Albania’s State Intelligence Service, known by its acronym SHISH (SHISH)

“The principle is that everything our agency does should be hidden, but we should follow all these rules and regulations,” said one SHISH official. “The rules and regulations don’t allow us to spend the money without reporting it.”

Intelligence and security professionals told about the breach were stunned by the revelations, which could leave agents in sensitive positions vulnerable to surveillance or blackmail by hostile intelligence organisations or criminals seeking to infiltrate the Western alliance.

“By getting into Albania’s system they can get into Nato’s system,” said Xhemal Gjunkshi, an opposition member of the Albanian parliament who serves on the National Security Commission and was a former Major-General in the army.

“You start pulling a string and you end up in Brussels or London or the office of a supreme allied commander in the US.”

Helidon Bendo, director of Albania’s State Intelligence Service, or SHISH (SHISH)

A former CIA field operative familiar with SHISH described it as the type of bureaucratic catastrophe that could put lives at risk.

“Your admin can screw you up if they’re not paying attention,” he told The Independent on condition of anonymity because he continues to work on sensitive security matters.

“You can put the budget online. But to put the names and the other details of agents – that’s insanity.”

A Brussels-based spokesperson for Nato said in an email that it does not comment on intelligence matters.

An installation shows torture positions used by the Sigurimi, Albania’s Communist-era domestic spy service, at The House of Lives, a former intelligence headquarters now a museum in Tirana (Borzou Daragahi)

SHISH is the successor organisation to the much feared Sigurimi, the notorious Communist-era domestic spy service that infiltrated every aspect of Albanians’ personal lives during the country’s four-and-a-half decade Stalinesque dictatorship.

A 2007 US State Department cable published by Wikileaks described SHISH as “a professional, largely apolitical intelligence service” that is “excellent partners” with the US government and cited “close cooperation on all intelligence activities”.

The director of the organisation, currently Helidon Bendo, is appointed by the prime minister but it operates as an autonomous unit outside of the Albanian cabinet. According to the finance ministry documents, it employs 913 people. One foreign diplomat complained that SHISH operates with little accountability or oversight.

The documents revealed tantalising clues about the operations of the clandestine agency. The Independent could not confirm whether the names of the operatives inside Albania were handles or birth names. But the names of the international operatives listed matched the identities of Albanian diplomatic staff posted at embassies across Europe.

One female regional operative in the main port city of Durrës, whose name and ID card number are visible in the records, is listed as withdrawing the Albanian currency equivalent of £18,000, over at least 10 transactions this year for “special payments”, a possible reference to networks of informants.

The insignia of Albania’s State Intelligence Service, or SHISH (SHISH)

Another agent in Gjirokastër, in Albania’s south, is recorded withdrawing a cheque for about £1,500 in November for what is described on the Albanian ministry of finance’s public website as a “secret fund”.

One set of 2017 payments, classified as secret, refers to a Nato communications system, referred to as Tumba, which might refer to several mountain peaks in the Balkans.

At one point, water bills in Albania’s Himara district, where many members of the country’s Greek minority reside, suddenly drop 95 per cent, suggesting shifting surveillance priorities.

The information appeared to be updated daily. A withdrawal of about £21,000 from Credins Bank in Tirana on 3 December was posted online by day’s end.

Details include the licence plate numbers and sometimes make and model details of vehicles used by the spies, and even where the cars are taken for repairs, as well as records of pricey hotel stays and restaurant bills.

In an effort to be transparent, Albania posts daily financial transactions by the government on its website (Albania Ministry of Finance )

The documents also reveal potentially uncomfortable details about the domestic spying activities of SHISH, including rental payments for offices at Tirana International Airport and TVSH, the state-owned broadcaster. Some of the payments made to the state broadcaster includs descriptions such as “installing technical devices” and “device inside the state television [offices]”.

Officials vowed to remove the data after The Independent informed the country’s prime ministry, intelligence services, foreign ministry, interior ministry, defence ministry and finance ministry publication of this article was pending. During the months the information has been online, it likely left the Nato country vulnerable to infiltration by operatives of Russian or other intelligence agencies.

Data collected by the Albanian Ministry of Finance website and posted online shows entries for the country’s spy service, SHISH (Albania Ministry of Finance )

The country has already become something of a battleground as dominant pro-Western political leaders fend off the Kremlin’s agenda of weakening its Nato and EU ties.

In March, Albania expelled two Russian diplomats, accusing them of unauthorised intelligence operations. “Their work did not correspond to their diplomatic status,” the foreign minister Ditmir Bushati said at the time.



2 Gedanken zu „25 Jahre nur Skandale des NATO Geheimdienstes SHIS, wo Finanzdaten veröffentlicht wurden“

  1. Die grosse Frage wird von Experten aufgeworfen, ob Gent Cakaj, überhaupt der richtige Namen ist, den gesuchte Kosovaren gibt es im Tausender Paket, die neue Identitäten erhielten. Schulzeugnisse, kann Gent Cakaj nicht vorlegen, nur die produzierten angeblichen Diplome.

    Ilir Meta stand selbst unter schwerem Verdacht, das er NATO Papiere über Einsätze an die Russen, Hisbolla, Chinesen verkauft hatte, als Aussenminister unter der Berisha Regierung. Er trat damals zurück nachdem Skandal auch noch mit Almir Rrapo, einem gesuchten US Verbrecher und Mörder, der Staatssekrtär wurde.

    Schwerer Verstoß der NATO, EU Sicherheits Einstufungen, wenn man Sicherheits Zertifikate einfach ausstellt und verkauft, ohne jede Überprüfung. Fest in Hand von Kriminellen, wobei nach Vorschriften Gent Cakaj, längst dieses Sicherheits Zertifikat, als Vize Minister seit Juni 2018 hätte haben müssen, also auch noch illegal in der Regierung seit langem ist.

    Lupenreiner Mafiosi, mit unbekannten richtigen Namen und Herkunft, weil am 3. Januar das notwendige Sicherheits Zertifikat beantragt wurde, bei der NSA, CIA vergleichbaren Institution (Sigurimit të Informacionit të Klafisikuar (DSIK).

    Bereits einen Tag später wurde das Zertifikat erstellt am 4. Januar 2019, wo real also keine Überprüfung statt fand, die Albaner Mafia im Wild West Stile des Edi Rama, nicht nur Zig Pässe an Kriminelle verkauft, sondern auch Zertifikate zum lesen „Geheimer“ NATO und EU Berichte ausstellt und verkauft, an Leute mit unbekannten Hintergrund, obwohl Gent Cakaj, in Ungarn, Kosovo, Belgien angeblich gelebt. Man nennt es „State Capture“, wenn Kriminelle NATO Geheimnisse verkaufen, was es ja Alles schon in Albanien gab, durch Edi Rama enorm erleichtert wurde.

    Schwerer NATO Verstoß, denn die DSIK, untersteht direkt Edi Rama, DISK Website: http://nsa.gov.al/

    Edi Rama wird sogar billig herumlügen, das nie „Gent Cakaj“, Grenz Änderungen im Balkan, rund um den Kosovo forderte, obwohl genau dies erneut wenige Tage zuvor geschah. Ein weiteres Geheimdienst Debakel, nach den vielen SHIS Skandalen, aber wenn ein Gangster Arthur Kuco, Partner von Nard und Lefter Koka schon in 2000, NATO Botschafter wurde, heute in Berlin als Botschafter akrettiert ist, und viele Gangster Konsulate haben in Deutschland, kann Nichts mehr verwundern.

    Dumm Quoten Frau der NATO, kontrollierte erst im April 2018, die DISK, erhält natürlich ein Andenken und Club Service

    “Vizita e Drejtorit të Zyrës së Sigurisë së NATO-s në Shqipëri”, Tiranë, 18 Prill 2018

    Da lassen sich die vielen Kriminellen rund um das Militär in Albanien, mit Phantom Rängen leicht erklären, wo mit System Drogen Schmuggel betrieben wird seit langem und der Verkauf der NATO Geheim Dokumente, was erst vor Jahren eingeschränkt wurde, nach vielen Skandalen.


    Dorian Tola, Drejtor i DSIK

    Bibliografia e Informacionit të Deklasifikuar në DSIK, datë 26.09.2018

    In Interviews outet er sich, als dummer Lügner, Betrüger, der total die Geschichte fälscht, dafür Hitlers Gross Albanien vertritt, ohne je erklären zu können, woher er seine durchaus normalen Gross Albanischen Vorstellungen hat. Die wollen auch Korfu, halb Nord Griechenland haben, was Original nur die gefährlichst Dümmsten Kosovo Mafiosi vertreten und Terroristen.

    Im Gegensatz zu den inkompetenden Spinner des Auswärtigem Amtes, verweigert der sogenannte Präsident ILir Meta, die Ernennung des „neuen Aussenministers“ einem Dumm Georg Soros Gangsters aus dem Kosovo, der schon unter dem korrupten Aldo Bumci, einmal Vize Minister war. Da liegt im Idioten Bereiche der Helge Schmid, oder Susanne Schütz. Politischer Berater von Edi Rama, einem Dumm Contruct von Kriminellen, ohne Beruf. Gefälschte Schul Zeugnisse, als System bis zur ehemaligen Staatspräsidentin, aber dann seine Diplome zusammen fälschen, wie alle Albanischen Minister, Staatspräsidenten usw.. als Standard Tradition.
    Zugleich wurde die peinliche Mafia Frau des Edi Rama gefeuert, als Verteidigungs Ministerin, denn weibliche Verteidigungs Ministerinnen, sind in Eurpa, nur durch die totale Korruptheit, und Dummheit aufgefallen. Original NATO, EU Modell.

    Nachdem NATO Desaster wurde ein neuer Verteidigungs Minister: Eduard Shalsi ernannt
    Nachdem NATO Desaster wurde ein neuer Verteidigungs Minister: Eduard Shalsi ernannt


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