Putzfrauen, stahlen beim Minister, Mafia Boss: Arben Ahmetaj, Alda Klosi: 500.000 €

Eine kriminelle Sippe, zuständig für Konzessionen, Baugenehmigungen

Uralt bekannt: Kriminelle

Das Verbrecher Kartell des Edi Rama, Engjëll Agaçi mit Samir Tahiri

Was mit Vorsatz, EU und Berliner Verbrecher Kartelle auch der KFW so finanzieren. Die Zerstörung der Küste, weil man der Albaner Mafia die illegalen Bauten von über 30.000 Lokalen und Hotels finanziert. Bis November 2017, hatte man sogar den Neuen Fischereihafen besetzt in Durres, als neue Mafia Zentrale für Drogen Verteilung mit der Sacra Corona … Das Verbrecher Kartell des Edi Rama, Engjëll Agaçi mit Samir Tahiri weiterlesen

Dieser Staat ist vollkommen kriminell, seit 25 Jahren

Fest in Hand von Dumm Kriminellen Banden die EU Erdbebenhilfe, mit Milva Economi, Arben Ahmeti

Wie immer über die Deutschen Botschaften, werden seit 2000, die Verbrecher Kartelle,der Korruption aufgebaut

Edi Rama, schlägt den Verbrecher Arben Ahmeti, als neuen Wieder Aufbau Minister vor.

Die Deutschen finanzieren jeden Betrug, auch die Anlagen der Müllentsorgung rund um Lefter Koka

Das gibt und gab viel Geld in die Tasche der Albaner Regierungs OK

Reines Betrugs Imperium, die neue Kanalisation in Durres, der KfW, der Weltbank

Alda Klosi kontratë për ndërtim pallatesh, si i bleu 4 shtëpi pasi u emërua drejtoreshë në Ministrinë e Financave dhe tek Rindërtimi! Pagën e kishte 80 mijë lekë

11 JANAR 2023, 13:40KRONIKA


Cleaner and her son stole over €500,000 in cash from the house of former deputy PM’s chief of staff

 09/01/2023 15:14


Mother and son, Rozeta and Javier Dobi were left in prison today by the judge, after robbing the house of Alda Klosi, who was director of concessions in the Ministry of Economy at the time when it was headed by Arben Ahmetaj and then chief of staff of the former prime minister.

The accused appeared emotionally burdened, between tears and bowed during the court session, while her son was calmer. The Tirana police said that the amount in cash together with jewelry was robbed in the apartment on Rruga e Kosovare in Tirana, but the notification did not say who the robbed apartment belonged to, thus hiding the identity of the owner, the former director of the concessions when former vice-PM, Arben Ahmetaj was Minister of Economy.

Further investigations are expected to reveal the reason why Alda Klosi, an employee of the state administration, had cash at home that was not deposited in the bank.

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Police sources who are investigating the case told Top Channel that they have started verifications against Alda Klosi to provide clarifications on who was the source of the amount of money stolen from her home.

The Tirana police doubts that Rozeta and Javier Dobi are involved in at least 4 other robberies. From the re-check of the apartment of Rozeta and Javier Dobi on Sunday morning, the police say that they found another 404,800 euros and 8,500 dollars hidden in the aspirator tube.



Top Channel

Toto (Salvatore) Rina, Mafia Boss, als Berufsziel der Albaner Jugend

Fred Fishta. die kriminellsten Städt in Albanien: Durres, Tirana, Vlore überall wo die KFW, Weltbank, EU etwas finanziert