Edi Rama und seine Schrott Institutionen von Dumm Kriminellen. Der Fall: Lefter Koka, Arben Ahmeti, Samir Tahiri

Alles wie in Deutschland, nur noch Schlimmer! Gesetze, Verträge unbekannt, denn Jurist wird man in Albanien. mit gekauften Diplom, wie in Deutschland. Grüne und deren Mafia Geschäfte in Tirana, sind Legende


Hier Ludgar Vollmer, mit den Bundesdruckerei Geschäften in 2001,2002

Verhaftung des Bujar Himci, der 3 höchsten Polizei Direktoren in Albanien im Bundesdruckerei Skandal am 4.10.2002

Putzfrauen, stahlen beim Minister, Mafia Boss: Arben Ahmetaj, Alda Klosi: 500.000 €

Warum arbeitete, die KfW, die Deutsche Botschafterin Susanne Schütz mit dem Gangster Arben Ahmeti zusammen? Peinlich und nur mit krimineller Energie, zu erklären

Klement Balili – Ilir Meta – Arben Ahmeti, Florian Koka: Hintergrund: Koco Kokedhima

SPAK, will den Gangster, Minister Arben Ahmeti verhaften, wo nun beantragt ist seine „Immunität“ zu beenden

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The file of incinerators/ „It has the potential to bring things out“, the well-known journalist uncovers the behind-the-scenes: The government’s scheme failed, they did not foresee Ahmetaj’s escape

The file of incinerators/ "It has the potential to bring things out",

The SPAK file for former Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj, or the involvement of other high officials, was discussed this evening in the „Open“ show on News24.

The head of the DP parliamentary group, Gazment Bardhi, stated that there will be other officials involved and if the investigation is complete, it will have to go to Prime Minister Rama. He said that number 2 of the SP is also under investigation for this matter, but he also asked for support for SPAK prosecutors.

On the other hand, journalist Arion Sulo said that all those investigated are former and not currently holding positions. According to him, all the danger that is coming, more than the media pressure that is being done in the media, is for the escape of Ahmetaj. He said that the scheme was broken, that Ahmetaj left his feathers to SPAK and the government, which constitutes a scandal and has the potential to reveal things tomorrow, to blackmail.

Bardhi: I asked and requested that the file should not have been parceled, separated, divided, because this has to some extent disrupted the investigations. Evidence emerges, information circulates.
Will there be senior officials? Absolutely yes. If the investigation is complete, it will have to go to Prime Minister Edi Rama. I trust SPAK. The head of the incinerator affair is neither Arben Ahmetaj, nor those businessmen, nor Gjiknuri, nor Koka. The head of the affair is Edi Rama.

Daci: The criminal offense of abuse of office is a residual offense. In the specific case, it is abuse of office, but it is related to corruption.

Sulo: The head of the incinerator affair is Edi Rama, this sentence has been said for three years, since 2020. Today we are only with Ahmetaj, an ex. SPAK should be congratulated, but it is not enough because the head of the incinerator affair is Rama. This file does not even affect Mr. Rama. All the fuss, all the danger that is coming, more of the media pressure that is being done in the media is for the escape of Ahmetaj. The scheme failed because Ahmetaj lost his feathers to SPAK and the government. They did not foresee this. Ikjen, which is a scandal that a former vice-prime minister escapes from the country, does not face justice, throws mud on justice and has the potential to extract things, blackmail. These are all ex. Tell me a senior official close to Mr. Rama who is under investigation and at risk. For any issue. He did not let Tahirin go.


7 Gedanken zu „Edi Rama und seine Schrott Institutionen von Dumm Kriminellen. Der Fall: Lefter Koka, Arben Ahmeti, Samir Tahiri“

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    Wird von der SPAK untersucht? Geschäftsmann Lirim Fezollari: Unwahre Nachrichten, ich habe nie gegen ein Gesetz verstoßen und respektiere diesen Grundsatz weiterhin

    EXKLUSIV/ Arben Ahmetaj erneut in SPAK angeklagt, dieses Mal unter dem Vorwurf der Privatisierung der ehemaligen Brotfabrik in Tirana, heute „Emerald Center“! Es hat dem Staat 7 Milliarden Lek Schaden zugefügt

    SPAK hat die Lage des ehemaligen Vizepremierministers Arben Ahmetaj verschärft. Nach den Ermittlungen zu den Verbrennungsanlagen wurde Ahmetaj auch wegen eines weiteren Falls angeklagt. Es geht um die Privatisierung des Unternehmens „Buka Sh.a“ für einen entstandenen Schaden in Höhe von 7 Milliarden alten Alleks

    Ahmetaj reagiert von der Flucht: Sie versuchen, mich zum „schwarzen Schaf“ zu machen!
    Wird von der SPAK untersucht? Geschäftsmann Lirim Fezollari: Unwahre Nachrichten, ich habe nie gegen ein Gesetz verstoßen und respektiere diesen Grundsatz weiterhin



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