Der Terrorist „Ramuz Haradinaj“ musste im Albaner Mafia Spektakel zurücktreten

Der Verbrecher hat auch ein Hotel südlich Durres, in der Pista Iyria, fast dirkt am Zaun, des Militär Geländes und Staatspräsidenten Sitzes, wo auch einmal die CIA Schule war und das NATO Quartier: CommWest.

Einzige Deutsche Aussenpolitik: nur mit Verbrechern, Terroristen die auch mit viel Geld finanziert werden.

Nicht alle Mitgliedsstaaten der EU können sich glücklich preisen, von einer Persönlichkeit regiert zu werden, deren Mantra „Wir schaffen das!“ die Qualität einer selbst erfüllenden Prophezeihung hat und das von einer Frau ohne realen Beruf, schwer unter Pharma  Mitteln stehend, die Nichts mehr kapiert seit langem. Erinnert an die letzten Wochen von Hitler, mit seiner Drogen Abhängigkeit, wegen Alzheimer. Vor lauter Pharma- und Drogen Tabletten, kann die Frau kaum noch laufen und zittert ständig, als Nebenwirkung von „TAVOR“, wesentlich stärker wie Valium.

Vor kurzem (6, Juni) noch Gast bei Angela Merkel, der Extrem Mörder, Verbrecher

Rücktritt des CIA Mannes lt. eigener Ansage, Ramuz Haradinaj
Der CIA Mann, SAS trainierte Mörder und Terrorist „Ramuz Haradinaj“ trat heute im kriminellen Spektakel des Kosovo zurück. Der Verurteilte Kriegsverbrecher  Daut Haradinaj, kann nicht nach Wien fahren, weil er verhaftet wird, aber bei den Kosovo Verbrecher Kartellen in Deutschland ist er öfters, denn Steinmeier, Michael Steiner sind seine Partner im Verbrechen.

Ramush Haradinaj (-125880784).jpg
Ramuz Haradinaj

Haradinaj’s brother Daut was sentenced by a UN court in Kosovo for his involvement in the kidnapping and murder of four Kosovo Albanians, who belonged to the FARK, an armed formation of Kosovo Albanians and rivals of the KLA, to five years in prison. Enver Haradinaj, another brother of Ramush, was assassinated in April 2005 in a drive-by shootout in Kosovo. According to the UN security forces, there was a confrontation between rival Kosovo-Albanian clans.[70] The youngest brother Frashër was still a student as of 2007 and worked in the service of the now former Provisional Institutions of Self-Government.

uck Atlantik Brigande

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj Resigns

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj announced his irrevocable resignation in a press conference today. Haradinaj stated as the reason for his resignation an invitation for questioning on suspicion of war crimes by the Kosovo Specialist Prosecutors Office in The Hague. He added that the president should start consultations for setting a new…

Albanian politicians react to Haradinaj’s resignation

President Thaci reacts to Haradinaj’s resignation

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9 Gedanken zu „Der Terrorist „Ramuz Haradinaj“ musste im Albaner Mafia Spektakel zurücktreten“

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    Lawyers: The Prime Minister is all-powerful and forgets that his corruption has spread across the world.

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  2. The inescapable conclusion stemming from the pertinent materials is that the heinous crimes can be traced to the uppermost administration levels in Pristina. The office of Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor says the KLA command posts were sited in the Prifc and Tropojë villages. Tropojë, the place to which mujahideen flocked from across the world, was where the KLA headquarters functioned. For a reason that invites guesswork, the Haradinaj brothers – Nasim, Shkelzën, Daut, and Ramush – are known to have frequented the village hospital. Tropojë, Kukës, and Bajram Curri served as the training bases, the latter also hosting wounded KLA guerillas at a medical centre. Captive Serbs, Roma, and Albanians “guilty” of disloyalty were held in hangars near the abandoned barracks and firing ranges. An illicit detention facility was set up at the Deva deserted mine, with tunnel outlets on both sides of the border, and used to torture the captives or to extract organs from the healthier of them. The Viçidol village is located not far from Tropojë – in April, 1998, it was visited by the entire KLA command which stayed at a house owned by the family of Albanian premier Sali Berisha. The reception was coordinated by Suleiman Berisha, the brother of the premier’s uncle and the man who kept in touch with the Kosovo envoy to Tirana. The village was the start of a route massively supplying arms to Kosovo (to the Junik and Borovina villages in the proximity of Decani), and, moreover, members of the Berisha family tentatively were a part of the hierarchy in a criminal group which kidnapped people to extract their organs for sale in West Europe where a heart or a kidney can cost as much as Euro 120,000. A big camp where up to 200 guerillas per shift were trained existed right in Tirana and was equipped with a hospital. Funds were poured into the KLA internationally, mostly from Switzerland, via the Tirana-based Dardania Bank (10).


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